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An exciting Update for 2020

Writer's picture: TinaTina

Well HELLO District 2!!!  Looks like the CHSRA Executive Board met on Wednesday to get the ball rolling.  Here are a few of the key items that you need to be aware of:

  • Because of the restrictions in California, the Executive Board voted to allow only single district rodeos until further notice. This means we don't know if there will be an InterDistrict Shoot Out, or Battle for the Saddle.

  • All returning members will have their 2020-2021 CHSRA State fees waived ($41 for HS and $40 for JH) . New this year, NHSRA dues will be paid through the membership portal when the members renew on ($124 HS and $80 for JH)

  • All Class of 2020 CHSRA members in good standing will be receiving a check for $100 from CHSRA.  We know that it does not make up for the loss of the Spring season, but all members worked hard to sell the ATV tickets, and that money was raised to be spent on the kids. 

  • It was also decided that the remaining money from the ATV ticket sales (after covering the 2020-21 state dues, senior gifts, raffle winner, and scholarship percentage) will be divided amongst the districts to help with the beginning of the rodeo season.

  • Members can begin renewing their memberships on the NHSRA Membership portal starting August 1st.  The state applications and paperwork will be up on the CHSRA website by Wednesday.   According to our state by-laws, memberships are due September 1st.  If a member wants to rodeo in September, they will need to have their paperwork completed and fees paid to Nationals by August 26. 

  •   With the crazy end of the school year and the already crazy start to the new school year, there will be many questions on report cards and grades- be patient,  guidelines for that will be available in the next week.  Thank you for your time and we are looking forward to rodeo!

  • District 2 Exec Board will be meeting this week to confirm and finalize dates and locations for the season, and will get those posted as soon as we know. Again, PLEASE BE PATIENT, it is a very fluid situation!!

Don't hesitate to reach out to any Exec Board Member with questions!!  WOO HOO!! Let's RODEO!!!

Patsy Pachie


District 2 

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